Hong Kong Fire Services Department
- Q1:With the Third Generation Mobilizing System's newly incorporated ability to retrieve data via calling-line identification, what caller information will the Fire Services Department be able to obtain?+-
Ans: We will only fetch the installation address (and related location information) of the telephone line from which the incoming call originates.
- Q2:In which way will the calling-line identification be able to help the Fire Services Department respond to emergencies?+-
Ans: Immediately fetching the calling-line address will help us improve the overall speed and accuracy in terms of determining and verifying incident addresses.
- Q3: Which telecommunications services provider will furnish the Fire Services Department with calling-line identification data?+-
Ans: At this point in time, only calling-line information within the fixed line telephone network subscribers of PCCW-HKT Telephone Limited and Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited ("HKTL") is accessible to us. However, efforts are being made to extend the coverage to subscribers of all telephone network providers.
- Q4:How does the Fire Services Department ensure its use of calling-line identification be compliant to the Privacy Ordinance?+-
Ans: We are continuously working with HKTL to ensure that the transfer of such information is in strict compliance with the Privacy Ordinance as well as other laws.
- Q5:What is the Fire Services Department's intended use of the obtained caller information?+-
Ans: We will only use the obtained information during our call-talking and emergency dispatch process. We will ensure the absolute confidentiality of all data we handle, as well as the record of data transactions involved.
- Q6:May individual telephone line subscribers still decline the Fire Services Department’s access to their caller information, even in events of emergencies?+-
Ans: Yes, a HKTL fixed network service subscriber may choose to declare his/her unwillingness to release such information to us by filling out a proper form and returning it to HKTL.
- Q7:Why do individual telephone line subscribers need to make specific declarations that they are unwilling to release their calling line information to the Fire Services Department, but not by default?+-
Ans: Because our intention to retrieve calling-line information is to minimize the time for us to reach and help the people in need during emergency situations, we have included all HKTL fixed network service subscribers by default. Therefore, all those who are unwilling will need to declare individually.
- Q8:Do telephone line subscribers need to determine at this time whether they wish to declare their unwillingness to release their caller information to the Fire Services Department?+-
Ans: No, individual telephone line subscribers may choose to declare any time hereafter.
- Q9:Will the incorporation of the calling line identification functionality eliminate the need for manual address verification between Fire Services operators and callers during the call-taking process?+-
Ans: No, our operators will still verify the incident address with the caller. However, the efficiency of the process, as well as the initial process of incident address determination, will be dramatically increased.
- Q10:For what other purposes will the Fire Services Department use the obtained caller information, if any?+-
Ans: Besides enhancing our overall emergency dispatch process, we will not use the obtained information for any other purpose.