- Training and recruitment
- Control of communications and Mobilising systems
- All engineering matters related to fire appliances as well as firefighting and rescue equipment
Hong Kong Fire Services Department

Operational Support and Professional Development Command
Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Operational Support and Professional Development)
Tel: 2733 4000
Tel: 2733 4000
Operational Support
Senior Divisional Officer
Tel: 3164 8501
Tel: 3164 8501
- Providing operational support and operational knowledge management to the Operational Commands and the Ambulance Command
- Development & implementation of the training accreditation mechanism for the skills tailor-made for the fire services
- Connecting the Mainland, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and overseas counterparts through arranging exchange visits and planning cross-boundary rescue collaboration and co-operation
Fire Services Training Division
Deputy Commandant
Tel: 2411 8802
Tel: 2411 8802
- Development & implementation of the training accreditation mechanism for the knowledge tailor-made for the fire services
- Formulating and monitor departmental fire services training policies and strategies
- Providing technical support to the Operational Commands
- Fire-fighting training for other organisations/departments
Ambulance Services Training Division
Deputy Commandant
Tel: 2411 8701
Tel: 2411 8701
- Development & implementation of the training accreditation mechanism for the knowledge tailor-made for the ambulance services
- Formulating and monitor departmental ambulance services training policies and strategies
- Paramedic development
Recruitment, Training & Examination Division
Senior Divisional Officer
Tel: 2411 8601
Tel: 2411 8601
- Station Officer/Ambulance Officer Preliminary Interview Board
- Recruitment of uniformed staff
- Advanced training & Senior Officer Command Course
- Training syllabus
- Organisation of service examinations
Mobilising and Communications Division
Senior Divisional Officer
Tel: 2733 7828
Tel: 2733 7828
- Efficient operation of Fire Services Communications Centre
- Preparation and amendment to departmental orders in relation to mobilising and communications
- Compilation of operational statistics
- Exploring advanced mobilising and communications equipment
Workshop & Transport Group
Senior Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Tel: 2302 5365
Tel: 2302 5365
- Efficient running of all Fire Services Workshops
- Design, specification, procurement & maintenance of fire applicances
- Repair of ancillary equipment
- Advice on electrical / mechanical / hydraulic equipment
- Inspection, testing & assessment of major applicances
Physical Training Establishment
Divisional Officer
Tel: 2411 8615
Tel: 2411 8615
- Monitoring physical efficiency of all operational personnel
- Formulating & implementing policies on physical education
- Evaluating physical fitness requirements
- Physical tests & measurements
- Examining dietetics & nutritional needs of Service personnel
National Games Support Division
Senior Divisional Officer
Tel: 2733 7828
Tel: 2733 7828
- Formulating and supervising all aspects of the work related to firefighting, rescue operations, and emergency ambulance services for the 15th National Games, the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities cum 9th National Special Olympic Games in Hong Kong
- Developing contingency plans and conduct drills to effectively respond to the major incidents that may occur during the competitions.
- Maintaining close communication with relevant stakeholders and government departments to enhance coordination in handling major incidents.
- Development & implementation of the Service quality assurance mechanism
- Providing operational support and incident safety advices to the Operational Commands