Full Implementation of Paramedic Ambulance Service

Full Implementation of Paramedic Ambulance Service

Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulance Command is committed to provide quality ambulance service to the public. Commencing from 28.2.2005, the Ambulance Command has implemented full paramedic ambulance service which could improve the survival rate of critical patients/ casualties. Therefore, it is appreciated if people stay calm and be patient when our ambulance personnel take time to render treatment to the sick and injured at scene.

How Paramedic Ambulance Services Assist Emergency Patients

Paramedic ambulances can provide a number of medications and equipment that can help emergency patients. For examples:-

  • Defibrillator
    To salvage patients in non-traumatic cardiac arrest.
  • Nitroglycerin (NTG)
    To reduce angina pain.
  • Ventolin & Atrovent
    To ease shortness of breath in patients having asthma / emphysema / chronic bronchitis.
  • Intravenous infusion of Dextrose 10% in Water (D10W)
    To correct the decreased level of consciousness in patients suffering from hypoglycemia.
  • Glucagon
    To correct the decreased level of consciousness in patients suffering from hypoglycemia.
  • Intravenous infusion of Normal Saline
    To replenish body fluid in patients suffering from severe blood loss in accidents or other medical emergencies.
  • Entonox
    To reduce pain through patient-controlled inhalation.
  • Naloxone
    To revive patients suffering from narcotic overdose.

In addition, some ambulances are equipped with more sophisticated drugs and equipment:

  • Adrenaline
    To treat anaphylaxis through correcting shock and breathing difficulty.
  • Valium
    To treat convulsion in epileptic children.
  • Laryngeal-Mask Airway and Combitube
    To provide better airway management and artificial ventilation for patients in cardiac arrest.

As in the past, the Fire Services Department will continue to improve and excel in order to upgrade the professional service standard and to provide quality patient care in the pre-hospital settings.