Address: 7/F, North Wing, Fire Services Headquarters Building, Hong Chong Road, Kowloon.
- Overall management of the Fire Safety Command
- Application of prescriptive requirements and standards in relation to fire prevention/protection matters
- Initiation and/or evaluation of fire engineering researches in relation to fire prevention/protection work
- Promotion of the most effective fire prevention/protection means available to keep pace with the development of Hong Kong
- Improvement of the fire safety measures in prescribed commercial premises, and commercial, industrial and private buildings
- Dissemination of fire safety messages to the general public
- Formulation and review of fire prevention/protection policies, instructions, codes of practice, legislation, etc.
- Investigation of building fire safety complaints, except complaints about licensed premises and dangerous goods
- Formulation and certification of fire safety standards for new buildings and alterations to buildings
Due to the rapid increase in workload on fire protection and prevention in recent years, the Fire Protection Command has been split into two, namely the Licensing & Certification Command and the Fire Safety Command, with effect from 1.6.1999. The Fire Safety Command is responsible for drawing up fire safety policies, enforcing fire safety regulations, enhancing public awareness on fire safety, upgrading of fire safety in old buildings and vetting of loans for fire safety improvement works.
The Building Improvement Division 1 is responsible for enforcing the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance and the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance pertaining to the upgrading of fire safety measures in prescribed commercial premises, specified commercial buildings, old composite buildings and domestic buildings on Hong Kong Island and in the Islands, Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council Districts.
The Building Improvement Division 2 is responsible for enforcing the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance and the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance pertaining to the upgrading of fire safety measures in prescribed commercial premises, specified commercial buildings, old composite buildings and domestic buildings in Kowloon (except the Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council Districts) and the New Territories Region.
The Building Improvement Division 3 is responsible for taking enforcement actions against fire hazards identified in industrial buildings. The Division also handles building fire safety complaints, except complaints about licensed premises and dangerous goods, and conducts related inspections. To improve the fire safety of old composite buildings thoroughly, the Special Enforcement Unit under the Division conducts proactive inspections of such buildings and takes enforcement actions against irregularities identified.
The Railway Development Strategy (RDS) Division was established on 2.4.2001. The Division is responsible for scrutinizing consultancy studies reports, vetting of building plans and formulation of fire safety requirements and recommendations in respect of the new railway infrastructure projects under the Railway Development Strategy and alteration and addition works for all existing railway lines.
The New Projects Division, in co-operation with the Buildings Authority, is responsible for vetting of building plans and formulating of fire safety requirements in respect of new buildings and alteration and addition works for existing buildings in accordance with the standards set out in the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment.
The Support Division is responsible for formulating, reviewing and updating departmental policies on building fire safety improvement. Besides, the Division also provides administrative support to the Fire Safety Command Headquarters and handles general enquiries.
The Loan Scheme Supporting Team co-ordinates loans for fire safety improvement works under the Building Safety Loan Scheme, the purpose of which is to provide loans to owners of all types of private (including domestic, composite, commercial and industrial) buildings or part thereof, who may wish to obtain financial assistance in carrying out works for improving the fire safety of their premises or buildings.